
5 Professions Moving Toward Work-From-Home Conditions

Two people with masks working at computers

With the pandemic sort of coming to a close, more employees and employers are still setting a trend toward out-of-office work. As we mentioned in a recent piece titled The Future of Work as We Look Ahead from 2021, people are working from home, in coworking spaces, and even through hybrid models. As this becomes more normal, it’s also applying to more professions that previously weren’t thought of as “work from home compatible”. Let’s take a look at a few of those professions.


Therapy, in general, has been slowly making the shift from face-to-face to remote work over the last two years. A post on California jobs on Wheel’s telehealth site reveals that psychotherapists are increasingly getting set up throughout the state to practice by virtual means. These therapists are offering individual and couples counseling, coaching, and even psychiatric medication management.


When the pandemic started two years ago, many lawyers found themselves physically residing in a state where they weren’t licensed to practice law – and they were stuck due to lockdown. To make things worse, California-licensed lawyers, among others, needed to leave the state due to wildfires and other natural disasters, reports JD Supra. As a result of these unfortunate conditions and situations, more bar regulators are now approving more remote work for lawyers, allowing them to practice law from home. While there are still occasional situations in which the lawyers must physically show up in court, most of their day-to-day work is now taking on a WFH vibe.

Speech Language Pathologist

Speech therapists have often found themselves traveling to various places including schools, nursing homes, and even homes in order to treat patients. Now, however, they are finding that virtual sessions are also possible, and places like schools are enabling employees – including speech therapists – with online sessions. After all, The Atlantic points out that it’s much harder to have a speech therapy session face-to-face with a mask on. Virtual sessions with video are a must, and speech therapists say that the sessions are going well, even with the common drawbacks of the virtual setting.

Mental Health Counselor

California has about one-fifth of the homeless population in the U.S., and some strong measures, including establishing mental health courts in each county, are being taken. On paper, the mental health courts would help the homeless with severe mental illness get the help they need, but America CGTN notes that some are worried that the “help” will come even against the homeless’ will. This is why mental health counselors, who are usually on the streets or in people’s homes trying to get them help, are now turning to a virtual setting. This way, they should be able to help more people in a shorter amount of time, plus the added bonus of both parties being safe from COVID-19 during the sessions.

Occupational Therapist

Considering what an occupational therapist does – diagnosing and treating physical injury due to accidents, genetic disorders, and other conditions – it is generally believed to be a hands-on profession. However, with some patients unable to come to the office for therapy, either because of pandemic-related restrictions or because physically getting to the clinic is difficult due to the nature of injury, virtual sessions are now becoming more widespread. It may not be a 100% remote job – occupational therapists will still have to see their patients face-to-face, but much less frequently. For sessions that focus solely on exercises, however, patients and therapists are enjoying virtual sessions nowadays.

These are just five of the many professions that are starting to move away from an office-based setting and towards the ever-coveted WFH situation. We expect there to be more in the future as technology and virtual reality become even better, and more professions find it easier to work remotely. And when meetings need to happen in-person or in a hybrid setting, our flexible conference spaces can offer the professional setting required.

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