
Celebrate Coworking Week at workzones with Daily Specials

Large group talking at table

International Coworking Day, the annual worldwide celebration of the birth of coworking, is August 9th (although many are celebrating with a whole week!)

Following the amazing year workzones has had we want to celebrate International Coworking Day  by making sure everyone knows about coworking and how utterly cool it is.

To many, coworking is a foreign concept but it has been taking the world by storm with over 3,000 spaces operating around the world – around 800 of which are in the United States.

Compared to the ONE coworking space that existed in the U.S. back in 2005, that’s quite impressive!

Basically, the numbers have been doubling each year. And it is estimated that by 2018 there will be 12,000 global coworking spaces.

So what is coworking and why has it exploded into an international phenomenon?

The concept of coworking is attributed to Brad Neuberg of San Francisco who, in 2005, envisioned a place for professionals who wanted to work outside the office environment but also avoid the isolation of working from home.

Different than business centers and offices, coworking spaces are all about collaboration, community, entrepreneurship, and sustainability. Coworking space are innovative open office spaces where independent workers (entrepreneurs, freelancers, and remote workers) can come together under one roof to collaborate, share furniture, and wifi!  Spaces like workzones in Santa Barbara provide an environment where people can reap the benefits of community, creativity, and increased productivity.

Join us and celebrate 10 years of collaboration!

workzones is celebrating by offering the community half off day passes, good Monday through Friday 9am – 6pm. Come in, check us out, and get sh*t done!


© 2022 Soflyy. All rights reserved.
Santa Barbara Coworking - Workzones
*for new office members only.
Minimum term required.


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