Workzones + Hypecats = Santa Barbara Townhall Meeting Rooms

People at event

Peace of mind at affordable prices

The Pros and Cons of Hybrid Meetings

While there are many upsides to hybrid meetings, such as being able to include people all over the world or turning a business meeting into a bleisure trip, there are numerous pitfalls to avoid. The top culprit is a lack of engagement by the remote attendees; often fueled by a phenomenon called proximity bias where those that are physically present are favored in the meeting over those that are remotely attending. While it may be difficult to increase the attention span of your employees or clients, having the proper technology and ability to use it, can help mitigate this issue. If in-person attendees and online attendees can easily see, hear, and share rich content, like videos, and PowerPoint presentations, as if they were all in the same room, they are much more likely to have a productive meeting. Nothing can reduce the productivity of your meeting faster than broken communication and technical difficulties.

Technical Challenges you face with Hybrid Meetings

Now, you could try to learn the ins and outs of hybrid meeting technology in your spare time, or pass off that responsibility to an overloaded IT department; or you could trust professionals, like Hypecats, to handle all your hybrid meeting needs. With the proper professional-grade tech, like cameras, mics, large screens, and a reliable internet connection, Hypecats can help break the digital barrier created by the physical distance of attendees.

How to have Productive Hybrid Meetings

Further, Hypecats and Workzones have officially teamed up under the moniker Townhall Meeting Rooms to create a holistic hybrid meetings service. Pioneered by Kirk Peacock, Pam Tanase, and Michael Kramer, three local business owners and active members in the Santa Barbara South Coast Chamber of Commerce.  Townhall Meeting Rooms can handle every aspect of your hybrid meeting. With the technological expertise of Hypecats and the professional hospitality of Workzones, they can provide everything from small, medium and large meeting rooms, and all the necessary hybrid meeting equipment and IT support. Additionally, the experts at Hypecats can fully produce your meeting and improve the professional production quality, by adding extra components to your meeting, like branding your Zoom meeting with your logo and colors, title overlays for your online speakers, captivating graphics, seamless transitions between presenters, PowerPoint presentations, videos and dynamic Q&A, which can help keep your online attendees and in-person attendees engaged; and Workzones can assist you in setting up catering and other refreshments for any type of meeting.

Townhall Meeting Rooms’ focus is to simply supply solutions that give you peace of mind at affordable prices. No nickel and diming you for every extension cord and a cup of coffee; just fair business. So if you’re in the Santa Barbara area and need to host a hybrid meeting, consider utilizing Townhall Meetings; and visit to learn more.

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