Healthy, Happy Workers are Good for Business.
Workplace stress, burnout, and low productivity go hand in hand in the workplace. In contrast, when your employees are given opportunities to manage their stress, it can translate to higher productivity, better collaboration, and lower turnover. Not to mention employee satisfaction has a way of building a company’s reputation by attracting new talent and customers.
Obviously, as a new business owner, the health and wellness of your employees must be a priority. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to encourage your team to practice healthy habits in the workplace. Here are a few practical ideas from Workzones to get you started.
Arrange Fun Events
First of all, show your employees that you care about their happiness in the workplace. One way to accomplish this is to make time for fun office events during work hours. Think of some engaging activities that are healthy and fit within your company culture.
For instance, maybe you could organize a scavenger hunt in and around the office or a work sports day where you go to the local baseball field or basketball court to engage in a friendly tournament. One creative option is to arrange an office bake-off which would mean each participant bakes their own treats and brings them to the office for a competition and awards ceremony.
Offer Flexible Schedules
Remote and hybrid work schedules have been rising for many years, but according to Benefit News, the pandemic has definitely accelerated the trend. Now, most employees do not want or expect to work in the office every day of the week. And with so much technology available to businesses, you may quickly realize how many of your company’s daily tasks can be performed from anywhere.
Allowing your employees to have a flexible work schedule, as well as compensating them for their coworking spaces, can give them more time to spend with loved ones and practice self-care. In other words, it can foster their wellness and help them achieve a work-life balance. Get with your managers to explore the hybrid work models to determine which can work best for your team and goals.
As far as flexibility is concerned, also consider giving employees the option of dressing down a bit. Offering a slightly more relaxed dress code, especially for those who are expectant or new moms, is a great way to show you care about their comfort while at work. You could even offer coupons for retailers who sell comfortable yet stylish clothes.
Keep Healthy Snacks Around
Obviously, you aren’t going to tell your employees what to eat. But you can provide them with some healthy options. Consider investing in a vending machine that holds foods like fruits, seeds, nuts, whole-grain crackers, granola bars, nutritional bars, and so forth. If you want to go the extra mile, consider creating a small cafeteria with healthy meals that your employees could eat on their lunch breaks and take with them after work. In fact, creating a positive environment at work isn’t really all that different from doing the same thing in your home.
Make PTO a Thing
Employee turnover is primarily driven by burnout. And, sometimes, ensuring that your team members can step away from their tasks is the best way to encourage a healthy lifestyle. More and more companies provide employees with paid time off (PTO). But don’t start paying for your employees to take unlimited time off solely because it’s trending. There are benefits and drawbacks to total time off, and it’s critical to find a system that benefits the health of your team without compromising your company’s mission and progress.
Leave Room for Imperfection
Understand that none of your employees will walk into the office tomorrow hoping that they make mistakes. But since businesses are made up of human beings, mistakes are inevitable and something you should always expect. What’s more, your employees should not be scared to make minor blunders here and there.
If you want to keep your team creative and innovative, Asure points out that you must leave room for imperfection. Much of your success will stem from strategies through trial and error. And the last thing you want is for your team to feel like their ideas are not valued or cannot afford to mess up.
If you actively combat stress and burnout among your team members, you will start seeing positive results in no time. Your team will work better together, each employee will increase productivity, and you will likely see lower turnover rates as a company. Consider the tips above, and keep looking for ways to encourage your team to live healthfully.
We know you have choices out there which is why we set out to distinguish Workzones as the city’s premier coworking space. One that is inspiring, convenient, flexible and affordable. But we also want it to be more than a simply beautiful place to work. We want our members and guests to be a part of a community of independent, free-thinking and self-motivated people. And we’re continuing to evolve, just like you. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out!